Collage of Annie & Beth Photos

Ecosex Wedding Happenings

In order to create a more mutual and sustainable relationship with nature, we orchestrated 21 large-scale ecosexual wedding performances over the course of 9 years in 9 countries. We, along with our guests/audiences, made wedding vows to various nature entities. Initially at the invitation of Linda M. Montano, our project used the structure of her 14 Years of Living Art, where we incorporated a new theme and color each year. We asked for no material gifts but invited people to collaborate with us on the creation of the weddings. Below is the photo documentation from several of the ecosexual wedding happenings. To view more of our wedding documentation go to

Click here to see a 10-minute video of our wedding highlights.


Wedding to Fire

Wedding to Fire

Our new film, Playing with Fire! will illuminate how the natural environment and the nation’s social fabric are deeply intertwined; what affects one impacts the other. The destructive ecological effects of wildfires reflect not only global warming but also the federal...

Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp

Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp

Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp 2021. Ewelina Jarosz, Justyna Górowska in collaboration with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp is a hydrofeminist ecosexual performance that took place on September 14th, 2021. Inspired by the...

FutureFarmers’ Fog Wedding

FutureFarmers’ Fog Wedding

FUTUREFARMERS, ECO-SEXUALS, AND A FOG WEDDING A fog of bodies roll in from the coast, tumbling onto the Great Meadow, a gathering site for two lines of force within radical feminist art where ecosex is enacted and medico-judicial categories of sexuality (homosexuality...

Wedding to The Soil

Wedding to The Soil

One of our finest weddings took place in Krems, Austria, on May Day 2014. Dirty Wedding to the Soil was produced by Donau Fest, a multimedia arts festival. The wedding party included local artists who responded to our call for collaborators, artists invited by the...

Wedding to Lake Kallavesi

Wedding to Lake Kallavesi

This wedding performance was curated by Johanna Tuukkanen into her annual ANTI— Contemporary Art Festival in Finland, which has presented some of the world’s most exciting performance artists. It took place on September 30, 2012, on the Queen R, an old wooden tour...

Wedding to the Sun

Wedding to the Sun

We really wanted to do something special with our friends, something local, and we love the Sun. So at 6 a.m., an hour before sunrise, on December 11, 2011, we gathered together with our beloved San Francisco community on top of Bernal Hill. Fortunately for us, Katy...

Wedding to the Coal

Wedding to the Coal

Black Wedding to Coal was held in Spain’s coal country, in Gijón, at midnight, on July 23, 2011, produced in collaboration with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Art and Industrial Creation Center).  We spent our first several days in Gijón researching...

Wedding to the Rocks

Wedding to the Rocks

In Barcelona we married the rocks.  To symbolize this union we bought a beautiful black rock sculpture that we named Mr. Rocco. We married the rocks because rocks are the sexy,  strong beings that structure the Earth. The Silver Wedding to the Rocks is where Fluxus,...

Wedding to the Snow

Wedding to the Snow

We found the perfect location for Purple Wedding to the Moon: a stone amphitheater that had been built in the 1930s located in Farnsworth Park in the foothills of Altadena, in Los Angeles. The best part was that the outdoor venue was open to the sky. It seated more...

Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains

Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains

Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains was organized by art professor Jennie Klein. She invited us to her campus, Ohio University. Originally we had planned to have this wedding in West Virginia but were warned off by the anti-MTR activist Judy Bonds, who thought...

Wedding to the Moon

Wedding to the Moon

We found the perfect location for Purple Wedding to the Moon: a stone amphitheater that had been built in the 1930s located in Farnsworth Park in the foothills of Altadena, in Los Angeles. The best part was that the outdoor venue was open to the sky. It seated more...

Wedding to the Sea

Wedding to the Sea

When our friend, curator Paul B. Preciado proposed that we perform an ecosexual wedding as part of the Venice Biennale, we immediately said yes! Without any discussion we both spontaneously knew we wanted to marry the Adriatic Sea. As two global queer citizens who...

Wedding to the Sky

Wedding to the Sky

At the historic Grove House in Oxford, England, we married our lover the Sky. We asked for no material gifts, but invited people to collaborate on the creation of the wedding. Many wonderful creative people were extraordinarily generous in their offerings. The wedding...

Wedding to the Earth

Wedding to the Earth

In the redwood trees of Santa Cruz, California, on May 17, 2008, 350 guests witnessed our Green Wedding #4. Our bridal parties and twenty six performance artists wowed the crowd. We made our vows to the Earth, officiated by Guillermo Gomez Pena as our High Aztec...