Wedding to the Coal

Wedding to the Coal

Black Wedding to Coal was held in Spain’s coal country, in Gijón, at midnight, on July 23, 2011, produced in collaboration with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Art and Industrial Creation Center).  We spent our first several days in Gijón researching...
Wedding to the Rocks

Wedding to the Rocks

In Barcelona we married the rocks.  To symbolize this union we bought a beautiful black rock sculpture that we named Mr. Rocco. We married the rocks because rocks are the sexy,  strong beings that structure the Earth. The Silver Wedding to the Rocks is where Fluxus,...
Wedding to the Snow

Wedding to the Snow

We found the perfect location for Purple Wedding to the Moon: a stone amphitheater that had been built in the 1930s located in Farnsworth Park in the foothills of Altadena, in Los Angeles. The best part was that the outdoor venue was open to the sky. It seated more...
Wedding to the Moon

Wedding to the Moon

We found the perfect location for Purple Wedding to the Moon: a stone amphitheater that had been built in the 1930s located in Farnsworth Park in the foothills of Altadena, in Los Angeles. The best part was that the outdoor venue was open to the sky. It seated more...
Wedding to the Sea

Wedding to the Sea

When our friend, curator Paul B. Preciado proposed that we perform an ecosexual wedding as part of the Venice Biennale, we immediately said yes! Without any discussion we both spontaneously knew we wanted to marry the Adriatic Sea. As two global queer citizens who...