documenta 14 Athens: sidewalk sex clinic

documenta 14 Athens: sidewalk sex clinic

Curator Paul B. Preciado asked us to do a series of three Sidewalk Sex Clinics in and around Athens, Greece, as part of documenta 14’s public programs. We prepared plexiglass standing placards to put on our tables with our neatly typed names, bios and sex education...
documenta 14–Ecosex Walking Tour of Kassel

documenta 14–Ecosex Walking Tour of Kassel

When Paul B. Preciado began the curatorial process to present our work at documenta 14, he asked what we would like to do most, and we both instantly said the Ecosex Walking Tour. Joy Brooke Fairfield had done a great job helping us script the tour and we were excited...
documenta 14 Kassel: neue gallery

documenta 14 Kassel: neue gallery

In addition to performing at documenta, we were given an exhibition in the Neue Gallerie in Kassel. This exhibition presented our work to an international audience of artists, art lovers, writers, collectors, museum professionals, and gallerists. The carefully curated...
documenta 14 Kassel: sidewalk sex clinic

documenta 14 Kassel: sidewalk sex clinic

We were scheduled to present just one Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic in Kassel, not three like we did in Athens, and we wanted it to be our biggest and best one ever. We put out a call for collaborators through word of mouth and on our social media networks. Our friend,...
WMUW Premiere

WMUW Premiere

We worked several years off and on shooting our film, Water Makes Us Wet. Suddenly we had an opportunity to premiere it at documenta 14. So the two of us, along with our editors Keith Wilson and Jordan Freeman, worked day and night for a month to finish it on time. We...