Collage of Annie & Beth Photos
Cover of New Book , Assuming the Ecosexual Position

Our New Book

Assuming the Ecosexual Position:
The Earth as Lover

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The story of the artistic collaboration between the originators of the ecosex movement, their diverse communities, and the Earth.

What’s sexy about saving the planet? Funny you should ask. Because that is precisely—or, perhaps, broadly—what we have spent many years bringing to light in our lived art. In 2008, we married the Earth in a performance art wedding which set us on the path together to explore the realm of ecosexuality, taking the Earth as our lover and making our mutual pleasure an embodied expression of passion for the environment. Ever since, we have been not just pushing but obliterating the boundaries circumscribing biology and ecology, creating ecosexual art in our performance of an environmentalism that is feminist, queer, sensual, sexual, post-human, materialist, and steeped in humor.

Now available at
University of Minnesota Press
and Amazon or order from your local book store.

Click here for the book’s press release.

Institute of the Arts & Sciences Book Celebration, Tuesday, October 5, 2021, online.


Available as an audiobook from most audiobook platforms:

Audible click here.

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