Ecosexual artist couple Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle (1960, 1954, US) build community by creating multidisciplinary art projects that envision the natural world, and sexuality, with fresh eyes. They question and expand prevailing notions of environmental art; challenge the mainstream’s binary concepts of gender, erotic pleasure and race; incorporate inclusive, diverse, and imaginative possibilities for more meaningful and happy living; and support scientifically informed environmental practices. Their body of work promotes love, tolerance, sustainability and peace.
As movers and shakers in the ecosexual movement, Sprinkle and Stephens have written instructions for pleasuring the Earth (25 Ways to Make Love to the Earth), ecosexual manifestos and vows for marrying the Earth. Their most recent book, Assuming the Ecosexual Position: The Earth as Lover (2021), was published by University of Minnesota Press.
Manifest 14 exhibition page.