E.A.R.T.H. Lab Presents!

Join us for Playing with Fire: a Hot Symposium Exploring the pleasures, perils & politics of fire through art, theory, practice, and activism.  October 7, 8th and 9th. DARC 108. Stay tuned for more information.

Confirmed speakers and participants include:

Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle: Keynote

Roxi Power: Fire Poems

Becca Fenwick: Director, CITRIS Initiative for Drone Education and Research: Presenting UCNRS Fire Data

Karin Bolender: Artist and Director of the Rural Alchemy Workshop (RAW)

Justin Hoover, Artist and Director of the Chinese Historical Society of America

Brandon Smith, Director of the Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRC)

Benny Fillmore, Washoe Elder and Hotshot Firefighter

Laura Smith-Fillmore, Artist and Translator

Helen Fillmore, Environmentalist, Hotshot Firefighter

Julie Weitz, Artist: Golem: A Call to Action + Prayer for Burnt Forests

Heather and Michael Llewellyn: Artists and Curators of FOREST⇌FIRE Exhibition

More to come!


Everyone is welcome. Symposium is free.

All events take place at the UCSC DARC building. Google map link here. It’s a big campus, be sure to follow our link! There are many food options for purchase on campus, have a look at the cafe link here.  We’ve also got a great link with directions to the DARC building here. You can find everything else you need below, but if you have any additional questions, shoot us an email at info@earthlabsf.org, and we’ll be happy to answer.SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE

WHERE: All events are at UCSC in DARC #108 (Digital Arts Research Center), except where noted.

Friday, October 7

Time Event


Meet & Mingle

with the speakers and attendees.
At the  E.A.R.T.H. Lab,  DARC Building, Room #229

Saturday, October 8

At UCSC in DARC #108 (Digital Arts Research Center)

Time  Event


Meet & Greet

Coffee, tea and breakfast nibbles.


Welcome & Introduction

Playing with Fire” Beth Stephens (artist and UCSC professor) and “The Pleasures of Fire” Annie Sprinkle (Ecosexual artist)


What are we Facing?

Kali Rubaii, Burn Pits, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Purdue University
Kim TallBear, Fire, Professor of Native Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, CA
Becca Fenwick, Director of UCSC’s CITRIS: A drone’s eye view of the UCNRS
(TBA maybe JdL)


Lunch Break

Ambient performance. (TBA)


Flaming Pasts and Flaming Futures

Heather and Michael Llewellyn: Artists and Curators of FORESTFIRE Exhibition
Laura Smith-Fillmore Artist and Translator-> Fire: the word for wildfire in Wà:šiw is yengi’iši’ or the plural of ‘running’ or literally ‘everything is running’ – I offer that as one idea for a contribution to the performance.(TBA maybe AACC MMG)




Flaming Desires

Nicole Rudolph-Vallerga
Tracy Brown
Courtney Desiree Morris
K-haw aka Karin Bolender, Artist: The Rodeo Queen of the Pyrocene!


Dinner Break


Artists on Fire – An Evening of Performance and Film

Courtney Desiree Morris– Film Screening: Sopera de Yemaya
Justin Hoover
Khaw aka Karin Bolender
Roxi Hamilton Fire Poems

Sunday, October 9

At UCSC in DARC #108 (Digital Arts Research Center)

Time  Event



Coffee, tea and breakfast nibbles.


Firefighter Stories

Brandon Smith, Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program, FFRP
Julie Weitz, Artist
Benny Fillmore, Wašišiw Elder, Hotshot Firefighter
Helen Fillmore, Environmental Scientist and Hot Shot Firefighter


Lunch Break



Community Open Mike

Hosted by (TBA). Any and all attendees that want to can speak, perform, announce, comment, etc., for five minutes. 


Food available for purchase around campus, or feel free to bring your own.


There is a fee to park in the UCSC parking lot. Our beloved parking enforcement team is extremely vigilant. Please follow the link here to avoid an expensive ticket.  


We want you to be warm, comfortable, and cozy. Here are some places to stay:

Camping: The Redwood Resort has free camping for symposium participants and their close guests. This includes shower and restroom facilities. They’re great friends of Annie and Beth, and are co-sponsoring this event! Please keep in mind that they’re a 40 minute drive from UCSC. The map link is here. If you want to use this option, please contact Beth Stephens bethstephens@me.com

You may also like Henry Cowell State Park. They don’t have a website, but the map link and phone number is here.

Hostels: There are lots of options here.

Hotels: A list of all hotels in Santa Cruz can be found here.

We love staying at The Ocean Pacific Lodge. They’re offering a 10% discount for our symposium, just mention that you’re going to UCSC when you book. We’ve had a great time there in the past, and it’s a nice mid-priced hotel. A google map is here. For a high end experience, we recommend the Dream Inn. Their location is right next to the ocean, with incredible views.

Heartfelt thanks to our collaborators friends and sponsors

Dean’s Fund for Excellence and the UCSC Office of Research

Thank you to the Ocean Pacific Lodge, UCSC catering, and India Joez. Thanks also to the incredible technical team of the Digital Arts Research Center.

Special thanks to our generous, amazing hosts: Donna Haraway, Shelly Errington, Nada Miljkovic, Kyle McKinley & Jennifer Gonzalez.

Our dear friends who gave their time to help us with this event: Scott Brandt, Dean Solt, ARI, Center for Science and Justice, Center for Arts and Science, Redwood Resort, Feminist Studies, Jennifer Gonzalez, Jordan Phillibert, Lindsay Moffat, Rachel Smith, Cowell College–Alex, Kristin Grace Erickson, Julie Rogge, Dr. Gary Greenberg.

Thanks also to the amazing UCSC staff.


Thank you everyone who gave their time and resources to help us with this event:

ARI, Center for Science and Justice, Center for Arts and

Science, Redwood Resort,

The amazing UCSC staff.

Thanks UCSC catering,

Thanks again to Nada Miljkovic’s KSQID.

Extra special kudos to Rogge Design for the poster designs.

Thank you all for coming!